Cardiac Rhythm
5 min readDec 7, 2021

When it comes to cardiac monitoring, accuracy has always been a perennial challenge. Whether you’re using smart wearables or holter monitors, they’re not indefectible. There are cardiac events and other parameters that they would most definitely end up overlooking.

That being said, that’s not to say that there aren’t options out there that perform better in that vital factor. Many medical device companies are well aware of the problem of precision when gathering necessary clinical data, which can lead to timely, life-saving medical intervention.

Realizing this, they’ve come up with solutions that directly address the accuracy problem. Cardiac Rhythm’s monitoring device is one good example of this, and the facts we outlined here serve to prove it.

The Problem of Duration and Accuracy in Cardiac Monitoring Devices

We know that Holter monitors have a solid reputation among healthcare professionals and cardiologists. They’re certainly more accurate than most wearables, and the studies prove it. However, we can’t really ignore the fact that they’re limited by the short duration they’re used on patients. Most last only 24 to 48 hours, which leads to an average low of 15% diagnostic yield.

We also can’t deny that the manner in which the monitoring is done directly affects the accuracy of these devices. Pharmaceutical solutions are just as varied; there are a handful of drugs that stand out because of their specific formulations. In cardiac monitoring, on the other hand, it’s often dictated by the technology used, features, and how monitoring is executed.

Cardiac Rhythm’s Monitoring Goes to the Limit

So what is Cardiac Rhythm’s answer to the ever-looming shadow of inaccuracy in the field of heart monitoring? If we’re going to sum it up, it’s simply a more thorough option. It’s all about leaving no stone unturned.

How exactly is this achieved with regards to the innate sensitivity of cardiac monitoring? These features should more or less give you a good picture:

  • First, it records every heartbeat. Now, you may say that there are holter monitors that already manage to do this. Well, Cardiac Rhythm’s monitor stands out because it ensures an “enhanced signal clarity”. And the monitoring can be done in real-time.
  • Should a symptomatic cardiac event be detected, the monitor will immediately transmit the data and notify the attending team and doctor in real-time.
  • Real-time monitoring basically means the attending physician will have access to the data once it’s gathered. As a doctor, you may keep track and make a note of each one so you can ensure a more accurate diagnosis. This kind of monitoring is made possible mainly by the use of a dedicated cloud-based management platform.
  • The monitor gives control to physicians through its automatic capture feature. It lets them set specific conditions all throughout the monitoring process. This allows them to focus on certain points without having to exert extra effort.
  • Another important point to make involves the actual monitoring process. It’s not at all like the standard way holter monitors are used, that much is certain. There’s a monitoring team always on standby to ensure accuracy and address any technical issues once they arise.
  • There are certain tachycardias that long term holter monitors tend to miss, namely premature ventricular contractions. Cardiac Rhythm’s biosensor doesn’t miss these at all. It’s vital to track these arrhythmias as well since they can trigger more serious ones. In short, even if the cardiac event is asymptomatic, the remote monitor will still be able to detect it for double-checking.
  • It imbues a much-needed personalization aspect on its monitoring as well. The data that will be gathered will always be customizable based on what the cardiologist recommends. This makes it easy to focus on the most pertinent data that needs to be gathered and analyzed.
  • The monitor itself is versatile enough to be smoothly integrated in various hospital settings. This allows it to work in conjunction with other monitoring tools to make sure that the clinical data will always be of high value to both the patient and the attending physician.
  • After each monitoring session, a comprehensive report will be given to the doctor summarizing the entire data that can then be saved, shared, and stored securely and with easy accessibility every time.
  • Before creating and sending the reports, qualified technicians will analyze the data first. In short, the data goes through various verification stages that only pave the way to greater accuracy. This is not at all the standard procedure in most kinds of readily-available holter monitoring services nowadays, which is why the incidences of inaccurate diagnoses remain high.
  • Cardiac Rhythm’s monitoring threshold is comprehensive as it includes the detection of syncope, atrial fibrillation, tachycardias, and bradycardias.
  • There’s also the matter of duration. The remote cardiac monitor can be worn by the patient for a maximum of 15 days, 24/7. This means more opportunities to gather data and detect events that would otherwise fly over the radar in certain solutions.
  • Since it’s waterproof, it won’t have to be taken off even when the patient has to get wet. The accuracy isn’t compromised as well, even though the monitor comes in contact with liquids.

The points we mentioned above should give you an inkling of the sheer depth into which Cardiac Rhythm’s monitoring team will go to ensure accuracy in their device. Having been designed to address the rising issue of cardiac deaths in India, this shouldn’t be a surprise. What’s certain is that its focus on accuracy is a boon for physicians and patients alike.


Is Cardiac Rhythm’s way of doing cardiac monitoring a bit too extreme? Considering the precarious rope that most cardiac patients have to cross to ensure successful treatments, we can’t deny that the company’s focus on remedying accuracy ills is worth commending.

Every beat counts and time is of the essence. Its monitor, and the team that designed it, knows this. Ultimately, it’s the combination of features such as the detection of asymptomatic cardiac events, more thorough overall monitoring, seamless synergy with other clinical tools, and the involvement of trained specialists that verify the data.

Cardiac Rhythm

Cardiac Rhythm’s revolutionary pay-per-use heart performance monitor sets a new standard in patient&s compliance and diagnostic yield(https://www.cardiacrhythm)